Internal and External Whistleblowing and Investigation Policies
Scope and purpose
- China Everbright Environment Group Limited (the "Company") has put in place internal whistleblowing and investigation policy and external whistleblowing and investigation policy (the "Policies")
- The Policies apply to the employees/the related persons (including but not limited to investors, lenders, suppliers, customers, services providers and government etc.) of the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding China Everbright Water Limited, China Everbright Greentech Limited and their respective subsidiaries) (the "Group")
- The Policies are enacted to encourage the employees/the related persons to report the illegal activities and misconduct practices including those that have been occurred or were under suspicion of having been committed or being about to be committed in order to enhance the transparency, integrity and accountability of the Group and to retain a consistently high standard of corporate governance
- The Policies are designed to provide the employees/the related persons with the confidential whistleblowing channels to report to the Group the actual or suspected illegal activities and misconducts in corporate financial reporting, internal control or other areas in which the Company's attention should be drawn and investigation should be initiated
Reporting by e-mail:
Chairman of the Audit Committee:
Chief Executive Officer: